Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The Breasts of Tiresias written by Guillaume Apollinaire (1903)

Thérèse is a woman who is tired of being a woman. She becomes a man and her breast float away like ballons, grows a beard and mustache. She yells out into a megaphone about her change to the world. Her husband doesn’t like this and tries to stop her but she ties him up and dresses him as a woman. Thérèse goes off to conquer the world as General Tiresias. Tiresias is successful in stopping child bearing. Her husband fearing that the population will die off takes a vow to bear children without women. He bears over 40,000 children in one day. The husband is a rich man due to his children being very successful. The husband now has a new problem; the population is dying of hunger. The husband goes to a card reader and tells him that he will be a millionaire. The card reader is actually Therese and revels herself to her husband and they reconcile.

This megaphone was used by Therese as she grew a beard and mustache and turned into a man.

Once Five Years Pass written by Federico Garcia Lorca (1931)

The play is about a young man who vowed to return after five years to marry his bride. Upon his return, he learns that his bride to be has fallen in love with a huge football player who is not nice to her. The football player blows smoke in her face and squeezes her. The young man heartbroken wanders into the forest and circus who is being taunted by a clown, a harlequin and a girl.

This cigar was used by [football player] as he blew smoke in [girl who was supposed to wait for young man] face.

This harlequin taunted [young mans name] as he wandered through the forest.

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